Tart to Heart

As you may know, I have a serious travel bug. If money and time and, you know, life allowed me to, I would hop on a plane every time I got the inkling to go off somewhere. But sometimes you don’t need an airplane to travel to far-off destinations. Sometimes all it takes is a bite of a particular food to transport you. A bite of baguette smeared with butter takes me back to France, a taste of manuka honey brings me to New Zealand, a sip of a mango margarita flies me down to Mexico. A buttery scone dolloped with jam, washed down with a warm drink, is my ticket to Ireland.

I’ve made many, many versions of scones in my life, always trying to recreate that ubiquitous Irish teatime treat. And although I’ve made some delicious “scones”, as we Americans might refer to them, they weren’t quite right…

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