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Cheddar Biscuits Take II

Happy Blogoversary!!!

To you my fellow readers, without whom this whole experience would feel very solitary, I offer some cupcakes!

(the Man of the House brought these home last night, and let me tell you, the two we ate were de-li-cious!)

So, this is the post where, every year, I exclaim about how so much time has passed, and how I can’t believe I’m still working on my blog. The sentiment still holds after three years, and I don’t feel like stopping any time soon!

Though my master’s degree might take more of my free time in the coming year, I do have great plans for the Infinite Shelf; in 2012, I want to get my own domain, renew the blog’s look and decide which direction I want to take with it. I’ve had on my mind to create a separate blog for my photography and other hobbies for a…

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My grandpa is holding on, but I must come back to Cal, for work. I’m going back later, but he is fine. thank you to all who kept him in your prayers! really appreciate it!

If we have a tournament of Heroines, how do you think Clary will fare?
Jace: My girl would kick ass, as she always does.

Filling the Shelf – 46

Filling the Shelf is basically Mailbox Monday (this month hosted by At Home With Books) or In my Mailbox (created by The Story Siren ), but with a title that suits my blog 😀 If you’re interested in joining the fun or seeing what other bloggers added to their shelves, I invite you to visit those two awesome features!

Happy Monday everyone!

Between the sneezes my cold is generously sharing with me, I actually had a good week when it comes to adding books to my shelves; three of my most waited for books arrived home! I actually posted about The Fault in Our Starsand how excited I was for it; you probably won’t be surprised that the book has already been loved and hugged and read, and I can tell you this : it is definitely a new favorite of mine. It’s been really difficult to get into another book…

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Tart to Heart

As a rule, I don’t like secrets. I try to avoid lies. I despise deceit. But I’m not opposed to a little culinary trickery. Like that time I made mini apple pies for my grandmother’s birthday…and didn’t divulge to anyone until after they’d eaten a few bites that my secret ingredient was butternut squash. Or when I throw a tiny pitch of chili into chocolate cookies, or some quinoa in a batch of soda bread. It’s fun to play tricks on people’s palates. So I’ll let my friends devour several squares of these chocolatey brownies before I tell them my secret.

In honor of New Year’s resolutions, this month’s We Should Cocoa Challenge had us making something with chocolate that was also health conscious. Whatever that may mean to us. I’d heard tale of these secret ingredient brownies around the web and I’d always wanted to give them a try…

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Hi everyone! I can’t talk now, cause I’m very time pressed but just wanted to drop in and say hello to everyone. XD Here’s a qa!

Now that you are officially The King of YA Crushes, what is your next goal in life?
Jace: I think I’ll probably return to the thing I was doing before, which was saving the world and looking hot doing it.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
Pages : 418
Genre : YA, Fantasy
Series : Daughter of Smoke and Bone, book 1
My Rating : 

From the book : 

Around the world, black handprints are appearing on doorways, scorched there by winged strangers who have crept through a slit in the sky.

In a dark and dusty shop, a devil’s supply of human teeth grown dangerously low.

And in the tangled lanes of Prague, a young art student is about to be caught up in a brutal otherwordly war.

Meet Karou. She fills her sketchbooks with monsters that may or may not be real; she’s prone to disappearing on mysterious “errands”; she speaks many languages–not all of them human; and her bright blue hair actually grows out of her head that color. Who is she? That is the question that haunts her, and she’s about to…

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On My Wishlist is a fun weekly event hosted by Book Chick City and runs every Saturday. It’s where we list all the books we desperately want but haven’t actually bought yet. They can be old, new or forthcoming. Click on the link to Book Chick City, sign the Mr. Linky and join the fun!

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It seems I can’t stop adding new, intriguing YA novels to my wishlist. Here are two more I really want to read!

Struck really has an interesting premise and the cover is gorgeous.

Touched looks interesting too and again, awesome cover. I can’t resist pretty covers. It’s going to be my downfall, really.

Struck by Jennifer Bosworth

Summary from Goodreads :

Mia Price is a lightning addict. She’s survived countless strikes, but her craving to connect to the energy in storms endangers her life and the lives of those around her.

Los Angeles…

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I’m going to be visiting my grandpa in Colorado; leaving tomorrow, and then coming back on Friday, just in case, he.. dies. So, i won’t be blogging often, my friends. Please have him in all of your prayers, so then he can have a peaceful leave and lessen the pain. Thank you all.

On a happier note, I forgot to put in one of the qa’s so, here’s two.

Going into the tournament, who did you think your biggest competition was?
Jace: I’ve heard a few people mention that Edward Cullen fellow so I admit he had me on my toes. We had some plans once to form an emo band together, paint our nails black, and go on the road, but a cage match works too.

Would you ever wear a kilt?
Jace: Perhaps if Clary were to insist on it, and I could get her to wear, say, a cheerleading uniform, I would consider it. The thing is I’m used to doing a lot of jumps and flips when I fight demons and I don’t quite see how one manages to keep the kilt from flying up when you’re upside-down, and suddenly everyone’s looking at your underwear. And I don’t think people should just get to see me in my underwear without paying a respectable sum beforehand.